Wednesday 19 October 2011


( Surah No. 66 AT- TAHRIM )

It was Hafsa’s turn to sleep with the Prophet .. Her maid Maria Quptia ( a gift from King of Alexandria) was also in her room when prophet walked in.. Maria was a very attractive and voluptuous young teenager.. She aroused carnal desires in any man who looked at her; then our Prophet was not any man, he was endowed with 30 man libido* by Allah. .

* Bukhari Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268:

Narrated Qatada:

“ Prophet was given the sexual strength of thirty men”

To be alone with Maria, Prophet sent Hafsa to her Dad’s house with a phony excuse that Umar wanted to see her.


Umar was not home, when Hafsa reached her Dad’s place few houses down the street.

Hafsa: “Mom Where is Dad”?

Mother: “He has gone to the Al Manasi field near Baqia to defecate”...

Hafsa: “Why doesn’t he go to the field behind our house”..

Mother: “Because it is a sunna to relieve yourself at the place where Prophet relieves himself”..

Hafsa: “I will wait for him” .

Mother :”It may be a long wait. He hides there afterwards to spy on prophet’s wives”.

Hafbsa: “Spy on prophet’s wives, what for”? .

Mother “To make sure they are veiled according to aya 33.59 when they come to relieve themselves. As you know this aya was sent* by Allah at your Dad’s request”.

* Bukhari Volume 8, Book 74, Number 257:

Narrated 'Aisha:

(the wife of the Prophet) 'Umar bin Al-Khattab used to say to Allah's Apostle "Let your wives be veiled" But he did not do so. The wives of the Prophet used to go out to answer the call of nature at night only at Al-Manasi.' Once Sauda, the daughter of Zam'a went out and she was a tall woman. 'Umar bin Al-Khattab saw her while she was (defecating) in a group, and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda!" He ('Umar) said so as he was anxious for some Divine orders regarding the veil (the veiling of women.) So Allah revealed the verse of veiling 33.59. (Al-Hijab; a complete body cover excluding the eyes). (See Hadith No. 148, Vol. 1)

* Bukhari Volume 1, Book 8, Number 395:

Narrated 'Umar (bin Al-Khattab): Allah agreed with me on three things and revealed ayas, one of them was

the verse of the veiling of the women (33.59) .

.Hafsa: “Well I cant wait that long. It is my turn with Prophet , he must be in bed waiting for me”.


When Hafsa returned, she found Preophet in bed but not waiting. He was in action with her maid Maria. Hafsa was outraged (she had a temper of her Dad Umar) and started hollering at him.

Hafsa: “Rasulullah you lied and and deceived me to screw my maid”?.

Prophet:” Hafsa mind your language. Aya 33.32* says you should talk to Allah’s Prophet in an a honorable manner”.

* 33.32 “O wives of the Prophet! Speak to the prophet in an honorable manner”..

Hafsa: “I will speak honorably to the prophet when the Prophet stops acting dishonorably himself”.

Prophet: “Having sex with slave girls is not dishonorable. Allah has made* them halal for me”.

*33.50 “Mohammed , sex with slave girls and captured women is halal for you*

Hafsa:” I don’t give a rat’s behind who is is halal for you and who is is not .. You can have sex with a she camel for all I care. But I don’t want it in my bed and on my night”.

Prophet: “Hafsa ,calm down. I will tell you something. If you keep this incident a secret between you and me and don’t tell any one, I take an oath that I will never touch Maria again. And Please cool down first . Go have a drink of cold water....

Hafsa: “ O.K. I have to go pee also...


Hafsa returned after a short while and found her husband again in bed with Maria.

Hafsa: “Rasulullah, You have a short memory. You had just said you will not touch her again”.

Prophet: “Yes I did, but Allah revealed aya 66.1 after you left, it says “Mohammed why do you forbid yourself what Allah has made lawful to you just to please your wife”

Hafsa: “What about the oath you took.”

Prophet:: “Allah dissolved my oath” by aya 66.2 which says Allah has ordained for you the dissolution of your oath. And Allah is your Maula”.


Next morning when Prophet returned from Fajr prayer, his wives gave him dirty looks and a silent treatment instead of happily greeting him like every day... As smart as our prophet was, he knew right away that Hafsa, had ratted and had divulged last night’s incident to all other wives who incidentally hated Maria for her beauty and prophet’s fondness for her.. Prophet was pissed off and rushed into Hafsa’s room: “When I told you to keep last night’s incident with Maria a secret to yourself, I trusted you; why did you spread it”? .

Hafsa: “Who informed you that I spread it”?

Prophet : “Allah informed* me”:

* 66.3 “The prophet had trusted one of his wives with a certain incident, then she spread it, and GOD let him know about it. He then told his wife,she asked him, "Who informed you of this?" He said, "I was informed by Allah”.

Hafsa started trembling with fear. She had no idea Allah spied for the prophet and tattletaled to him his wives private talks and gossips.


Angry Prophet then gathered all his resentful wives and conveyed the following chilling message from Allah to them which had just arrived.

66.5 “If Mohammed divorced you all, Allah will give him in exchange wives better than you who are submissive and devout”.

That message was a death sentence to the scared wives. A divorce meant starving to death since no body was allowed to marry Prophet’s wife according to an earlier aya...

Prophet continued:

66.10,11 “ On one hand wives of Allah’s prophets Noah and Lut misbehaved with their husbands and they were put in hell fire. On the other hand wife of the kafir Pharoah was well behaved and she was awarded paradise”..


All the wives started wailing. Starving to death was one thing ; burning in hellfire for ever was something else.They grabbed his feet and begged him for mercy. The merciful prophet then took pity on them and decided to apply abstention clause of aya 4.34 (abstaining from sex with wives as a disciplinary action ) He could have divorced them like Allah suggested or beaten them under scouging clause of aya 4.34 .

(Here are the specifications for wife beating for our momin brothers who practice it or intend to practice it):

He stayed away from all his wives for a month* and slept exclusively with Maria to humiliate them further and make them jealous .

* Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 43, Number 648:

“The Prophet did not go to his wives because of the secret which Hafsa had disclosed to 'Aisha, and he said that he would not go to his wives for one month as he was angry with them when Allah admonished him for his oath that he would not approach Maria”.

Allah also decided to pitch-in in the misery of Prophet"s wives by making Maria pregnant with a baby boy ( Ibrahim), something Mo desired most and which could not be delivered by any of the nine resident wives.

** Note: Several embarrassed sahabis made false hadiths later about this sura to protect good name of Mohammed. They fabricated the story and said it was honey and not Maria which prophet took an oath to abstain from . That is ridiculous and does not make any sense. Here is what Ibn Saad wrote in “Tabaqat”

“Waqidi has informed us that Abu Bakr has narrated that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) had sexual intercourse with Maria in the house of Hafsa.. She told the prophet, O Messenger of Allah, do you do this in my house and during my turn? The messenger said, control yourself and let me go because I make her haram to me. Hafsa said, I do not accept, unless you swear for me. That Hazrat (his holiness) said, by Allah I will not contact her again [Tabaqat v. 8 p. 223 Publisher Entesharat-e Farhang va Andisheh Tehran 1382 solar h ( 2003) Translator Dr. Mohammad Mahdavi Damghani]


Most important advice to all muslim brothers and sisters is never to accept a written debate with infidels. It is suicidal. Our Prophet and islam , both will be humiliated badly . Always go for a public debate in front of a live audience. The biggest advantage is that if you cannot dazzle them with brilliance you can baffle them with bullshit Take the example from Imam zakir Naik.

(Besides, the real dangerous ones , the ex-muslims will never dare to come in the open for they know they will be dead meat Less dangerous ones who come in the open will be very careful of what they say for the fear of their lives. Our mujahids are always ready to kill apostates)


The biggest weapon of infidels is the aya 9.5 which basically says “convert or get beheaded”. Following illustration is aya 9.5 in a nutshell.

However in a live debate in front of an audience you have to present this lion of an aya disguised as a pussy cat. There are two ways to do it. One is to say the violent ayas are only applicable in defensive wars when attacked by infidels. Other way is to say these ayas are conditional, and then connect them with abrogated defensive fighting ayas of earlier Madina days for applicable conditions. It works wonders with P.C. westerners..

(If they ask about all the countries from Spain to India muslims captured for booty and women, insist those wars were conducted to free oppressed people from their Hitler like brutal rulers, same way US freed so many countries from Hitler)


Tell them that this aya was the most misunderstood aya by Mohammed’s followers like Umar and that Mohammed neither meant it nor collected a penny from non muslims . Only one time he suggested to the oppressed christian population of neighbouring Tabuk that if they paid money and financed a jihadi attack on their land, muslims will free them from their tyrant king Heracluis.

(You don’t have to tell them Mohammed implemented first jizya of Islam , 50%. of the crops, on Khaybar jews after capturing their lands, killing many of their men and enslaving most of their women. Niether have you to tell them that Mohammed screwed 17 year old lovely Safia , the wife of tortured and beheaded chief Kinanaa , the same night while the corpses of her husband and family members were lying outside his tent and Mohammed's clothes were still wet with the blood of her father and husband)


This is another hairy incident infidels love to rub on your face. Tell them our prophet was helpless in this matter. It was the decision of his foot soldier Saad Bin Muad, and that too was not his fault either , he just read it out from Jewish bible . Then go for the kill and blame the whole Quraiza massacre on bible.

(They don’t have to know that Saad was an illiterate ex-pagan who had no clue what was in the Hebrew jewish bible nor the fact that Mohammed had loved his verdict and declared that Allah had approved of it. Also you don’t have to tell them that Mohammed got 20 % of booty that came to 200+ women plus land and cattle nor the fact that Mohammed .enjoyed all night sex with captured teenage beauty Rehana, the wife of the beheaded Quraiza chief after the massacre)


This is also a very popular topic filthy kuffars bring out. When they ask why is there no religious freedom in muslim countries like they have in our country and why muslims kill innocent non muslims, say what muslims do does not represent islam. What is in Quran is Islam and Quran says “there is no compulsion in religion”(2.256) and “killing one innocent is like killing all humanity” (5.32).

(But do not tell them that “there is no compulsion in religion “ was revealed in totally different context and in islam innocents are only muslims, nonmuslims can never be innocents, they are guilty without pardon and condemned to hell for denying islam)


Here is a video of Imam Nadir Ahmed (three parts) using above techniques masterfully to embarass and defeat a christian kafir. Jazakallah Khair.



Here is what CAIR writes:

Misconception:: Muslim women are oppressed and forced to wear the hijab.

CAIR’S Taqiyya: Women often see it as empowering because they are not viewed as sexual objects but judged by their character (in islam).



TRUTH: How can women consider themselves empowered when Quran allows them to be whipped by men (4.34), asks them to share their husbands with three other women(4.3) allows men to divorce them by saying “Talaq” three times and replacing them without any reason or rhyme (4.20), allows sex with slave girls abd captured women, (4.3,23.6, 33.50,70.30) , allows temporary marriage(4.24), says two women are equal to one man as witnesses in court, requires women to prove their rape by asking for four male witnesses .


Most shameful of the ways woman is looked at by islam is that men are allowed to marry and have sex with a day old girl according to aya 65.4.

Here is video about a Saudi website based on that aya which says muslim men can marry and have sex with one day old Girls . A critic debates with a muslim man who is defending this practice permitted by quran..

(Scroll down video column and click on “Sex with one day old baby girl in islam is O.K.” )


CAIR brags islamic countries Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Turkey had female heads of state,implying that men and women are equal in Islam.Those counries having elected women leaders had nothing to do with islam.They were run under western democracy, not under Islamic sharia laws of Quran and hadiths . Taliban ran their country under sharia they didnt even allow a woman to be a dog catcher leave alone to be a head of state. Didn’t CAIR see unemployed women professors begging on streets in Burqas to support their children under true islam. Now that sharia is encroaching in Pakistan see what became of an aspiring Benazir Bhutto . Islamists suicide bombers attacked her twice succeeding second time and taking over 200 pious muslims men along with them to the 72 virgins.


Here is what CAIR writes:

Misconception: Islam promotes violence and terrorism

CAIR’s taqiyya: Council on American-Islamic Relations, prominent Muslims, Islamic organizations and Islamic scholars have repeatedly denounced the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 and terrorism in general. Jihad is a term that is often misunderstood and associated with violent radical militants.



Who gives a rat’s behind what CAIR or the Islamic scholars in the

west say to fool the infidels.. What does quran say and what did Prophet Mohammed do in his life is what determines whether islam promotes violence and terrorism or not. Bin Laden and AlQueda follows quran and sunna, they don’t give two hoots what t Fiqh council of USA or CAIR thinks.


Quran’s final verdict:

aya 9.5 says it all :” Slay the infidels wherever ye shall find them; and seize them,

besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush.

Quran has 164 ayas promoting violence and terrorism to go along with above very popular aya of the sword.


"Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been made victorious with terror.'"


Here is a typical day in Prophet Mohammed’s life who earned his livelihood (and women) through robbery and raids:

Bukhari ,Volume 3, Book 46, Number 717:

Prophet had suddenly attacked Bani Mustaliq without warning while they were heedless and their cattle were being watered at the places of water. Their men were killed and their women and children were taken as captives; the Prophet got Juwairiya on that day.

At War With Islam

At War With Islam
Martel Sobieskey
America is at war with the religion of Islam. The key word here is religion. We American’s have a “mental block” that causes us to deny that we are fighting a religion. Take an atomic bomb write the letters R-E-L-I-G-I-O-N on it and we, gullible Americans, will welcome it as a religion. This statement is not entirely an exaggeration. Freedom of religion has become America’s “Achilles heel” stabbed through with the sword of Islam. From where does this “suicidal” freedom of religion “mental block” originate? It comes from our “knee jerk” compulsion to blindly believe that all prophets are extreme pacifists like Jesus. This blindness plagues the highest levels of our leadership, intelligence and academic communities. It is a national security disaster making it nearly impossible to protect ourselves. The killers are shouting Allah Akbar worldwide and carrying the Koran, yet we Americans refuse to identify Islam as the enemy.

Let’s call it America’s “freedom of religion ostrich syndrome”. Our enemies “love it” because they can destroy us by hiding under the cover of a religion. They blow us up, vilify us, file lawsuits, teach anti-American Jihad in their mosques and schools, while we Americans assume the fetal position because it’s committed by a religion. Even the FBI has been promoting Islamic sensitivity training, this tells it all. Does not such servile behavior prove that we have lost the ideological war, mental war, psychological war, war of ideas, war of words, and the propaganda war? Please heed my prediction: Every time someone calls Islam the religion of Peace, America is one step closer to defeat and Islam one step closer to victory in this clash of religions.

Fellow Americans this is a clash of religions, and you must stop denying that we are fighting the religion of Islam. Basically the war is Islam versus all other religions worldwide as required by the Koran. Since there are 1 billion Muslims and 5.5 billion infidels, this war will be easy to win if we “get with it” and clearly identify the enemy and “shout it from the roof tops”. Why don’t Americans do so? The shameful disgrace is that Islamic oil money has silenced if not “bought” America over the past 30 years. Steven Emerson’s book, “Jihad Incorporated” shockingly reveals the extent of Jihadist infiltration into America. He states, “Open societies are inherently and necessarily at a disadvantage in providing a secure environment.” Likewise middle east expert Dr. Walid Phares of FDD (Foundation for Defense of Democracies) and author of “Future Jihad” states:

“I have seen firsthand how Jihadist ideologies have systematically penetrated the United States . . . This web of ideological penetration is the most dangerous long-term threat to U.S. national security . . . The reasoning is rational: Once you control the mind, the body will follow.”

I agree with both Steven Emerson and Dr. Phares. The Jidaists and traitors within are controlling the mind of America; there is no greater proof of this than our collective compulsion which forces us to call Islam the Religion of Peace which in turn prevents us from designating Islam as the enemy.

In a similar perspective, Dr. William Gawthrop, (former manager of the defense department’s Counter Intelligence Field Activity-CIFA), explains it is a taboo to mention that Islamic violence has anything to do with the religion of Islam. Specifically he states:

“Officials must first overcome the political taboo of linking Islamic violence to the religion of Islam, its sacred scripture, and the personal example of its revered prophet.”

In other words, this taboo requires one and all to blindly proclaim that Islam is a religion of peace, which is equivalent to saying that Mohammed was an extreme pacifist, just like Jesus. What a crying shame that our leaders and experts have become so intellectually dishonest and weak minded. Today’s Muslims, like Muslims of all time, emulate Mohammed not Jesus.

The problem is MOHAMMED WAS NOT A PACIFIST. Mohammed was a military tyrant who fought “hands on” in several blood thirsty raids, and mercilessly killed nearly all those who disagreed with him. It is a concrete historical fact that over a 10 year period, called the Hijra (622-632), Mohammed conducted 84 murderous raids proving he is the exact opposite of a peaceful prophet. Author Dr. Gregory Davis in “The Religion of Peace?” provides excellent insight into Islamic aggression.

Despite obvious facts, we Americans respond pathetically and irrationally; like naïve children we think, “How can this be? Jesus is a prophet and he was never violent, and since Mohammed is also a prophet he likewise must never have been violent”. Wake up America, Mohammed and Jesus were polar opposites. Don’t take my word on it. Please read, the 800 page biography of Mohammed (Sirat Rasul Allah) written by Ibn Ishag and translated by A. Guillaumne, it incontrovertibly proves that Mohammed was a military tyrant bent upon bloodthirsty worldwide imperialistic Jihad.

To know and understand ones enemy and to clearly identify the enemy is the primary dictum of warfare. Our leaders and experts have failed in their duty to identify the enemy. They keep calling the enemy “terrorism”. Terrorism is not the enemy. The enemy is Islam. Islam uses terrorism (guerilla warfare) as a method (tactic) to attack us. The enemy is the “entity” implementing the method of terrorism. For example, if someone is throwing rotten eggs at you, it is not the “rotten eggs” but rather the “person” throwing them who is the enemy.

It is an outrage, that the majority of our leaders and experts think like overly genteel and sissified school boys who are too spineless if not politically cowardly (P.C.) to call anyone an enemy -- no matter how blatantly obvious it is. For example, take Dr. Angel Rabasa and his colleagues of the highly acclaimed Rand Corporation, he states: “In the Global War on Terrorism, the United States is confronting a very different type of enemy: shadowy non-state actors that are not subject to traditional means of deterrence. . . It is unclear what targets, if any, the United States could hold at risk to deter attack.”

Wrong! Once again, the enemy is not terrorism. Rabasa proves his ineptness by stating the “Global War on Terrorism” meaning he cannot distinguish between a rotten egg and the person who has thrown it.

By refusing to identify the enemy as Islam, Angel Rabasa and Rand Corporation, have thereby swallowed the bait of Islamic deception by promoting a strategy called, “Building Moderate Muslim Networks”. This means they have unwittingly become Jihadist propagandists promoting Islam’s primary method for defeating us which is: the infiltrations and deceptions utilized by moderate Muslims. Sure, moderate Muslims are not suicide bombers, but they have accomplished even greater damage by manipulating our overly liberal laws and naiveté. This is why it is so terribly wrong to call terrorism the enemy, because doing so completely ignores the damage being committed by Islam’s peaceful invaders the so called moderate Muslims.

I do not mean to pick on Rabasa alone. Permit me to give the following two criteria for determining an expert’s competence: First: Anyone who calls the enemy terrorism rather than the religion of Islam is incompetent and should be fired from his job. Second: Anyone who calls Islam a Religion of peace is incompetent or an outright enemy propagandist or badly informed regarding Islamic religious conditioning.

Why have our leaders and experts become so blind? They are afflicted with the Oslo Syndrome meaning they are pathologically unable to evaluate the crimes committed by Islam to the extent they are going to get us all killed. Dr. Kenneth Levin in his book the “The Oslo Syndrome” explains that those afflicted with the syndrome live in absolute denial of the blatant fraud and egregious dishonesty that Muslims employ by making counterfeit peace agreements. For many, such relentless mockery proves that diplomacy has failed long ago and war is the necessary solution.

Everyone should read chapters 12 thru 16 of Dr. Levin’s book. The pervasively masochistic behavior documented within proves that our leaders and experts have been leading us into defeat. The Oslo syndrome has now morphed into the Annapolis syndrome. Here we go round and round again!

Truly, we need face the fact that moderate Muslims are more difficult to find than “a needle in the haystack”. We are at war and the brutal realties must not be soft peddled. Please consider the following distinction: The militant Muslim is the person cutting the head off the infidel while the moderate Muslim holds the victims feet. During 9/11 the trade towers were the “head” cut off by the militants, while the moderate Mosque community “held the victim’s feet”. Please reflect deeply on this analogy. History proves that both militant and moderate Muslims are invaders working as a team to conqueror America. This is clearly articulated by Abdullah-Al-Araby in his book “The Islamization of America.”

Please mark my words, calling Islam a religion of peace is patently dishonest and the worst ideological mistake in American history. It truly is our “Achilles heel” as before mention. No wonder Dr. Paul Williams states in his book “The Dunces of Doomsday”: “The Day after 9/11, President Bush promulgated the granddaddy of all whoppers by saying, “Islam is a religion of Peace.”

I have great respect for President Bush and support him wholeheartedly because he is the first President having the guts to fight the Islamists since President Thomas Jefferson sent our Navy to Tripoli in 1803. The problem is President Bush has invalidated his own war efforts by this ideological error, that is, his administration’s obsession for calling Islam a Religion of Peace. The truth must be told: Islam is a Religion of War and the evidence proving this fact is piled a mile high right up to 9/11. A website site sarcastically named lists the thousands of Islamic murders and atrocities committed worldwide.

In conclusion, permit me to make this prediction: The war cannot be won unless we clearly identify the enemy as Islam, and the American government makes a formal declaration of war against the Religion of Islam. That’s right; this will be a new thing for Americans who wrongly believe that all religions are benign!

In numerous places worldwide the murderers are shouting Allah Akbar and carrying the Koran, yet we Americans fool heartedly provide unrestricted freedom of religion to Islam - oblivious to the carnage. This oblivion was the root cause of 9/11 and has sent us spinning headlong toward a nuclear Islamic terrorist attack on American soil which the Islamo-fascists have been bragging about for nearly 10 years.

Martel Sobieskey has 35 years research experience in the field of religious conditioning and its relationship to warfare. He is greatly alarmed that American politicians, educators, journalists, intelligence analysts, security personnel and police have failed to comprehend the deeply entrenched Jihadist conditioning inherent in all of Islam, moderates included.

Mohammed and Zeinab Higazy

Mohammed and Zeinab Higazy
The latest victims of "balances" in the Egyptian society
By Mounir Bishay- Los Angeles

Twenty five year old Mohammed Ahmed Higazi (L), and his pregnant wife Zeinab, 23, read from the bible August 2 in their home in a Cairo. Higazi who converted from Islam to Christianity has launched a bid to have the change recognized officially in what is believed to be the first such case, he told AFP today. In Egypt, identity cards say whether the bearer is Christian or Muslim, but those who convert to Christianity complain that administrative hurdles prevent them being able to change their official papers

Mohammed Higazy (25), an Egyptian young man who was born a Muslim but converted to Christianity at age 16 and changed his name to the Christian name Bishoy. Zeinab (23), an Egyptian young woman, was also born a Muslim, converted to Christianity and changed her name to Katerina. The couple are now married and expecting their first child. They made news when Mohammed decided to go to court in Egypt trying to get their conversion officially recognized so that their unborn baby would be born a Christian. The case attracted much attention internationally as well as it has in Egypt. It’s the first time in Egyptian history that a Muslim has dared to do so in Egypt. The Egyptian authorities usually welcome the Christians who seek to convert to Islam but deny the same rights to the Muslims who want to convert to Christianity. Since it is a test case of the Egyptian system, many await eagerly and cautiously the outcome of the case.

Due to the sensitivity of the case, I carefully followed the debates surrounding it in the Egyptian media. I was surprised to see that the general consensus in Egypt is to forbid this young man’s request to change religions. On a personal level, it was said that he is not truthful or genuine about the matter. The claim is he is only seeking media attention in an effort to become famous. From a religious standpoint, it raises the apostasy from Islam issue and the punishment that goes along with it. For the purpose of this article, I am not going to discuss the Islamic religious issue of apostasy. Likewise, I cannot speak of this man’s motives, as I don’t personally know him. Nevertheless, I don’t believe it is my business or anyone else’s to judge what is going on within this man’s conscience. We need to leave such judgment to the man and his creator.

However, there was a specific argument that attracted my attention. It was the assertion that it would somehow undermine the “balances” of society if he were allowed to convert. I was astounded to know that some people would sacrifice undisputable individual rights just because they believe they don’t agree with the changing trends of society. I could not help wondering if some people are making such a sacred cow out of societal values that none dare to touch.

My mind went back and pondered what I had discovered about Egyptian society after being away for almost three decades. It was a completely different society from the one that I had once known. Those who continually live in the Egyptian society may not notice the changes, but they are certainly a shock to those who have been away for any length of time. The contrasts are apparent in most everything. For example, one cannot miss the appearance of religiosity especially in regard to the way that people dress. Most of the women wear Islamic hijabs and many men are growing beards. There are religious overtones in the everyday language of the people. However, a deep look exposes that much of what one sees is only superficial. An astute observer will soon recognize that there are other religious values that could be lacking. Values like chastity, honesty, love, mercy and kindness are not equally demonstrated in the dealings among people. I heard new mottos circulating that indicate that people would accept and do most anything if they feel it will get them ahead. People are racing for making money. And, it seems that no matter how much they accumulate, it’s never enough. Everything is available in the marketplace, but the prices are so outrageous that many things are out of reach for most people. There is however a small wealthy minority who can afford to buy what they want. This creates various degrees of envy and competition, moral or immoral. The Egyptian society is going through drastic changes; religiously, economically, and socially. Such are causing people to rethink the traditional values and to replace them with values foreign to Egyptians.

Do we want that these present and changing values of the Egyptian society to be the foundation that shape our lives and dictate what we accept and what we reject?

In cases such as the one in question, what are we to do? If the society rejects a perfectly legitimate issue that will help preserve individual rights, which side should we take? The side of legitimacy or the side of supporting the unreasonable and flawed dictates of society?

I understand that if security is the main consideration, it is easier to maintain peace when things go the way that the majority within society is most apt to accept. While this might be the easiest way to accomplish peace, is it the moral and right way? Should we sacrifice the rights of people to achieve peace in society? Where then are the security forces that are supposed to protect individuals from immoral and unjust masses?

At this point, some may object on the grounds that the views of society represent the opinion of the majority. They argue; in a democracy, the majority’s opinion rules. They sneer those who call for democracy accusing them of being selective and hypocritical about applying it.

These people misunderstand the true meanings of democracy. Democracy doesn’t mean that one person over the 50%, can do whatever he/she wants in society regardless of the rights of others. If that were the case, the whole foundation of the society would be turned upside down. In addition to the concept that the majority rules; there are other important elements that are part of a democracy that must be considered. For instance, in the United States, the White majority cannot enact a law that would enable them to deport all of the Blacks. Even if the majority did accept such a law, could it become the law of the land? Of course not, for one thing, it would be deemed unconstitutional and would certainly be rejected by America’s Federal court.

The word “balances” of society has been used as a cliché to deny the legitimate rights of many people in Egypt. We have seen it used not only about the right to change religions, but also about a host of other injustices. It has been used in denials for churches to obtain building permits; forbidding Christians to advance to high-ranking jobs; and in the lack of just punishments for Muslims who commit crimes against Christians.

In all these situations the victims are asked to accept injustice because of the “balances” of society. “Balances” of society has become an elastic word that can be applied to almost anything and everything. It is also a word that sounds nice, but has a nasty, wicked and objectionable meaning. It simply means that the majority of people in the Egyptian society no longer accept the minority that differs from them in religion.

The government has choices to make. It can accept the present situation and continue with business as usual. Or, they can pause and ask themselves; why have things in our nation sunk to such a shameful condition? They should be contemplating how to change the society and get it back on the right track.

Great leaders are the courageous ones who swim against the tide. They are able to challenge the status quo and change the direction of their nations for better. They deserve recognition and the honor of being numbered with those who changed history.

It is wrong when the balances of Egyptian society tilt against the legitimate rights of two of its citizens, Mohammed and Zeinab. This is not Egypt that I am proud of. I pray that my Egypt will again become an oasis of hope and security for the weak and the oppressed that seek refuge against tyranny and injustice.

Islamic Tid Bits

Islamic Tid Bits
By Ayesha Ahmed

Apostle of God had great taste in women and only selected the ones with good looks and great figure ( later in life, when he had power and choice). Selection and acquiring of Zaynab, his first cousin and his adopted son Zaid’s wife emphasizes this point. Zainab had a beautiful face , but only after seeing her in the nude and liking what he saw, he chose to acquire her.

This is what TABARI says in "History of Tabari" Vol 8:

“One day Muhammad went out looking for Zayd. Now there was a covering of hair cloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber, undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet. After that Allah made her unattractive to Zayd.’”

Almighty ordered their union thru Q 33.37

His 24 /7 sex life was also known in Madina..

Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268:

"The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)."

He also enjoyed taking baths with his young and beautiful wives.

Bukhari, Book 003, Number 0629:

'A'isha reported: I and the Messenger (may peace be upon him) took a bath from the same vessel and our hands alternated into it in the state that we had had sexual intercourse.

Bukhari, Book 003, Number 0630:

'A'isha reported: I and the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) took a bath from one vessel which was placed between me and him and he would get ahead of me, so that I would say: Spare (some water for) me, spare (some water for) me; and she said that they had had sexual intercourse.

Bukhari, Book 003, Number 0631:

Ibn Abbas said: Maimuna (the wife of the Holy Prophet) reported to me that she and the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) took a bath from one vessel.

All the above factors attracted many peeping Toms to his huts. Many enjoyed the views and action without ever being caught but some did get caught and got bloody eyes.

Bukhari , Volume 9, Book 83, Number 38a:

Narrated Anas:

A man peeped into one of the dwelling places of the Prophet. The Prophet got up and aimed a sharp-edged arrow head (or wooden stick) at him to poke him stealthily.

Muslim, Book 025, Number 5369:

Anas b. Malik reported that a person peeped in some of the holes (in the doors) of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)..

Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 83, Number 38:

Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd As-Sa'idi:

A man peeped through a hole in the door of Allah's Apostle's house, and at that time, Allah's Apostle had a Midri (an iron comb or bar) with which he was rubbing his head. So when Allah's Apostle saw him, he said (to him), "If I had been sure that you were looking at me (through the door), I would have poked your eye with this (sharp iron bar)

One such peeping tom, Abu Ayyub Ansari, spent the night peeping into the tent where the 57 year old apostle was spending the night with gorgeous 17 year old Safia, acquired earlier in the day in the Khaibar raid. However Ayyub was smart and talked his way out when he was caught with his pants down. Read on:

According to a muslim wesbite ( minus the sugar coating)

“Safiyah was captured in the Khaibar raid and was claimed by the apostle as his share of booty.. She was then seventeen. She was groomed and made-up for the Prophet by Umm Sulaim, the mother of Anas ibn Malik. They spent the night there. In the early dawn, the Prophet suspected some movement near the tent ( during the night he was too involved to notice ) . He went out to enquire ( lucky for Ayyub that apostle was on the road and did not have a sharp edged arrow handy) and saw Abu Ayyub (apparently Abu Ayyub did not get a captured woman in that raid). He asked him what he was doing near his tent.He replied: "I was afraid for you with this young lady. You had killed her father, her husband and many of her relatives, and till recently she was an unbeliever. I was really afraid for you on her account and was guarding you". The Prophet (either bought the lie or felt pity for the horny man who had put his life on line in the raid yet was without a captured woman and spent the night drooling) prayed for Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Ibn Hisham, p. 766)

Apostle was so sick and tired of the horny men trying to violate his privacy that finally he made the law that eyes of peeping Toms can be put out.

Muslim,Book 025, Number 5370:

Abu Huraira reported having heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) say: He who peeped into the house of people without their consent, it is permissible for them to put out.

Well prophets huts had the best looking women and most action in Madina. You cannot blame the peeping Toms.


Allah had given the apostle libido of 30 men (as mentioned in one hadith above).He had so much energy that he did not leave his wives alone even during their periods..

Bukhari,Volume 1, Book 6, Number 299:

Narrated 'Abdur-Rahman bin Al-Aswad:

(on the authority of his father) 'Aisha said: "Whenever Allah's Apostle wanted to fondle anyone of us during her periods (menses), he used to order her to put on an Izar and start fondling her." 'Aisha added, "None of you could control his sexual desires as the Prophet could."

Bukhar, iVolume 1, Book 6, Number 300:

Narrated Maimuna:

When ever Allah's Apostle wanted to fondle any of his wives during the periods (menses), he used to ask her to wear an Izar.


Although Apostle had sex with any of his wives whenever he wanted, but as a general rule he assigned one day for each wife. Slave girls did not get a separate day but were squeezed in whenever possible ( Once, he found his wife Habsa gone and her bed empty so he grabbed slave girl Maria and pulled her into the empty bed for a quickie, but Habsa walked in during action and went berserk. Almighty had to intervene with Q66.1-( Bukhari 3/43/6348) .

Apostle , in order to spread the cheer, used to invite all his wives to come and watch when he was in bed with one of them. Once while making love to Ayesha he wanted to grab Zainab who was standing next to the bed and watching. This did not go very well with Ayesha who was the youngest and of very possessive nature. A shouting match started between Ayesha and Zainab. The altercation continued till early morning and apostle had to leave for fajr prayer without finishing the job.

Bukhari, Book 008, Number 3450:

Anas (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) had nine wives. So when he divided (his stay) with them, the turn of the first wife did not come but on the ninth (day). They (all the wives) used to gather every night in the house of one where he had to come (and stay that night). It was (the night when he had to stay) in the house of 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her), when Zainab came there. He (the Holy Prophet) stretched his hand towards her (Zainab), whereupon she ('A'isha) said: It is Zainab. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) withdrew his hand. There was an altercation between the two until their voices became loud (and it was at that time) when Iqama was pronounced for prayer. There happened to come Abu Bakr and he heard their voices and said: Messenger of Allah, (kindly) come for prayer, and throw dust in their mouths. So the Prophet (may peace be upon him) went out.


Apostle had practical solutions for all problems. In one case a household freed slave (Salim) of Abu Hudaifa, an aging arab, became adult . Abu Hudaufa had a young and pretty wife. Naturally he was getting worried that Salim, a young and battle hardened stud ( he had already participated in Badr war), could screw his wife in his absence.He started harassing his wife about this matter. His wife told of this problem to the apostle. The apostle with all his wisdom solved the problem which made every one happy. He recommended that Salim suckle the breasts of Hudaifa’s wife which will make her unlawful for him. Hudaifa agreed to apostles solution and made Salim suckle his wives breasts. This made every one happy.. Old man Hudaifa was happy that his wife was now unlawful for Salim and he could go on business trips leaving them alone. Hudaifa’s wife was happy that her husband was off her back. Salim was more than happy to oblige and suckle Hudiafa’s wives breasts.. Apostle was a genius.

Bukhari, Book 008, Number 3425:

'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Salim, the freed slave of Abu Hadhaifa, lived with him and his family in their house. Hudaifas’s wife came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said: Salim has attained (purbety) as men attain and he understands what they understand, and he enters our house freely, I, however, perceive that Hudaifa is getting suspicious of Salim and me.Wereupon Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said to her: Suckle him and you would become unlawful for him, and (the rankling) which Abu Hudhaifa feels in his heart will disappear. She returned and said: So I suckled him, and what (was there) in the heart of Abu Hudhaifa disappeared.


Apostle was way ahead of his time. What he knew then science does not know even now. For instance science does not know that baby resembles the partner who discharges first and that female discharge is thin and yellow..

Bukhari, Book 003, Number 0608:

Anas b. Malik reported that Umm Sulaim narrated it that she asked the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) about a woman who sees in a dream what a man sees (sexual dream). The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon bi m) said: In case a woman sees that, she must take a bath. Umm Sulaim said: I was bashful on account of that and said: Does it happen? Upon this the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Yes (it does happen), otherwise how can (a child) resemble her? Man's discharge (i. e. sperm) is thick and white and the discharge of woman is thin and yellow..


Question and answer on a muslim website (islamonline):

Q: Can a slave girl be used for prostitution .

A: Sex with slave girls and captured women is halal according to ayas 4.3, 4.24, 23.6, 33.52, and 70.30 and many hadiths . However using them as prostitutes is only allowed if she agrees to it. But if she desires chastity (and likes to restrict sex only with you) , you cannot force her . Force is allowed only under compulsion ( such as hunger) as the following aya indicates (same way as Allah had allowed muslims to use prostitutes with temporary nikah under compulsion):

Qur’an 24:34 “ Force not your slave-girls to whoredom (prostitution) if they desire chastity, that you may seek enjoyment of this life. [And here’s the freedom-to-pimp card:] But if anyone forces them, then after such compulsion, Allah is oft-forgiving.”


Islamic way to make a witness talk is to first soften him up by giving him/her a violent beating like you soften stool by giving stool softener. After that everything comes out easily. Following is an example in the case when Ayesha got lost on the way back from Mustaleeq raid and was accused of of having sex with a young jihadi who had found her up and had brought her back (while apostle was honey mooning with the newly acquired captured beauty Juavaria). Ayesha’s slave girl Buraya was called as witness. It is said that the beating was so violent that poor Buyraya defecated in her abhaya before she talked. A hadith says:

Ishaq:496 “Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.’ So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, ‘Tell the Apostle the truth.’” Then she told the truth.


A man fornicated with one of apostle’s slave girls (who had the honour of sleeping with Allah’s apostle). This was a violation of priveledged private parts, a serious offense punished by cutting off the offending penis by Jibraeel) (that is the reason the apostle prohibited the marriage of his widows and slave girls after his death, as he did not want the grooms to lose their manhood, disabling them to produce and to contribute to the growth of umma).

Muslim,Book 037, Number 6676:

Anas reported that a person was charged with fornication with the slavegirl of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to 'Ali: Go and strike his neck. 'Ali came to him and he found him in a well making his body cool. 'Ali said to him: Come out, and as he took hold of his hand and brought him out, he found that his sexual organ had been cut. Hadrat 'Ali refrained from striking his neck. He came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said: Allah's Messenger, he does not even have the sexual organ with him (Ali did not know that Jibraeel had already taken care of him).



By: Ayesha Ahmad

It is haram to marry an adult pagan woman but halal to marry an underage Muslim child.

It is haram to steal an egg from a Muslim, punishable by cutting hands and feet, but halal to rob non Muslim's commercial caravans, rewarded by share of the booty.

It is haram to slaughter an animal in a name other than God but halal to slaughter a human being in the name of God.

It is haram to befriend a Jew or a Christian but halal to kill them and sleep with their wives and daughters.

It is haram to watch television but halal to watch beheadings and stoning.

It is haram for a woman even to show her face to a namahram man but halal for a man to disrobe and inspect a namahram woman before buying her in a slave market.

It is haram to buy mortgage to acquire a house for your family but halal to buy a woman from a slave market to sleep with her.

It is haram to trade alcohol but halal to trade human beings.

It is haram to listen to music but halal to listen to wailing of innocent women and children of the beheaded critics and apostates.

It is haram to see a movie but halal to kill an infidel.

It is haram to bet on a horse for entertainment but halal to steal a horse from an infidel for a living.

It is haram for a woman to have more than one husband but halal for a husband to have more than one wife.

It is haram for a husband to hurt his wife by treating other wives better, but halal for him to hurt them all by acquiring and sleeping with unlimited slaves and captive women.

It is haram for a wife to refuse her husband even on a camels back but halal for a husband to beat her up with a lash and green stick if she refuses him.

It is haram to even break the heart of a single innocent person if he is Muslim, but halal to behead all the innocent men of a community and sell their innocent women and children in slavery if they are non Muslims.

It is haram to attack and and injure enemy women but halal to enslave and rape them.

It is halal to stone a woman by burying her in a hole dug to her shoulders to maintain her "hijab" but haram to stone her on a flat ground and risk her "hijab".

It is halal to let young grils burn in fire but haram to rescue them if they do not have hijab.


By: Ayesha Ahmad

1 Thou shalt behead apostates, pagans and violators of blasphemy laws, it is halal for you.

2.Thou shalt extort money from Christians and Jews, the future hell dwellers, and if they refuse, kill them. But do not hurt their women and children, it is haram for you. However thou shalt enslave them, rape them or sell them for profit, it is halal for you.

3. Thou art guaranteed paradise and 72 big bosomed houris (and/or charming young boys), along with other fringes, if you cough up big bucks and take a trip to Mecca. Poverty stricken chaps and losers among you who cannot afford the trip, can earn the same privileges and more by participating in Jihad and killing the infidels. The jihadis will get the additional bonus of sharing the booty and beautiful women from the captured infidel lands.

4. Thou shalt marry a maximum of four wives at a time, except for my messenger whom I have exempted from this limit since his needs are equal to the needs of 30 horny men. However Thou art allowed to change your wives at will for variety and maintenance of your harem quality by divorcing them and acquiring younger specimens. Old bags lose their charm and excitement and must be replenished with a fresh supply. Try to acquire younger and better looking ones preferably virgins, leave the older ones and ugliest for the losers and old fogies.

5. Thou art allowed to have unlimited number of slaves and captive women and have sex with them, it is halal for you. Gay guys among you will have to wait for their fun, we will provide them with charming young boys in paradise. Alcohol lovers, hold your horses until you make it to the paradise, there will be rivers flowing with wine, up there.

6. For those amongst you who have pedophilic tendencies, we have made underage children halal for marriage and your carnal pleasure. However let them keep and play with their dolls while you are at it so that their attention is diverted from their pain and shock. Thou art also allowed to marry your daughter in law in case you keep getting excited by her voluptuous body every time you happen to see her in skimpy clothes.

7 Thou can demand sex from your women any time and anywhere, even on a camel's back. Thou shalt keep a lash or a green stick handy in case they refuse and need a good beating. However while doing it on a camels back with your wife, make sure that the hijab is maintained by keeping all yours and her body parts covered with the burka during the action. In case of doing it with your slave girl on a camel’s back hijab requirement is exempted, you are allowed to enjoy the sunshine and the fresh air along with her curves.

8. Thou shalt not listen to music, watch t.v. or go to the movies, these activities are haram for you. However thou shalt take your family to watch beheadings of apostates and kafirs, cutting of hands and feet of petty thieves, and stoning of adulterers, their viewing is halal for you.

9.Thou shalt not indulge in haram professions like selling non halal meat, food items with lard in it, or confectionary even with 1% liquor in it or working in interest charging banks and mortgage companies etc. Thou shalt only indulge in clean and halal means of earning livelihood like slave trading, looting infidel caravans and communities, killing Jews and acquiring their goods and properties, extortion of jizya and kharaj from captured lands, and booty earning bloody Jihads.

10. Ramadan Rules. Thou art not allowed the pleasure of eating or drinking during the fast (except for wives who have to taste food lest their husbands beat them up for cooking foul tasting food) but thou art allowed to kiss your wives, slaves (only female) and the women your right hand posses, to wait out the rough afternoon hungry period. Thou art not allowed to eat pigs but thou art allowed to pig out after breaking the fast. Thou art not allowed to have conjugal relationship during the fast but art allowed to break a fast with sex instead of food. Husbands are allowed to prohibit wives from fasting to keep the ladies fresh and beautiful for a romantic evening after a hard day of fasting.

Complaint to Allah

A Complaint to Allah
By Ayesha Ahmed

Allah, you did not practice what you preached. You said, Mo is dearest to me, he is best of creation, he is the top ranked prophet, his mother tongue Arabic will be the language of heaven, he can intercede on judgment day, Iman is not complete unless he is accepted as your rasool. You, and him are mentioned together in quran hundreds of times like you two are equal partners. You and all your angels even sent salam to him. You wrote in the Quran obey me and my apostle, love me and my apostle, follow me and my apostle, listen to me and me my apostle. You left no doubt that he was way higher than all other prophets. He led the prayer of all the prophets in the Meraj night at Jerusalem. Only he could ascend to the 7th heaven to meet you whereas even Jibraeel, the messenger, had to stay back at the 6th heaven. However I personally feel that it was more of lip service than anything else. Actions speak louder than words. You did not deliver what you promised. Let us examine what you really did for my beloved (and your beloved) Mo in comparison to what you did for other prophets.

You gave Noah a life of 950 years, you gave Mo only 63 years. What a shame. Even Ibn Afak, an infidel Jew lived to be 120 and died only when Mo had him assassinated.

You made Adam 60 cunits (30 meters) tall but you made Mo less than six feet. Even many infidel 7 feet tall basket ball players dwarf the greatest prophet

You made Yousuf so handsome that even his boss's wife chased him around . As far as Mo is concerned, he was the one doing the chasing. Many women even shunned him. As a matter of fact every time he came to Juavaria, his gorgeous captured-women-turned-wife for a quickie, she would stand up and start praying namaz to avoid him (she was known to pray for hours until horny Mo had to go next door to another wife to fulfill his desire). Once he proposed to have sex with a noble woman, she refused and prayed for protection from Allah, how insulting for an apostle. Many of his marriages could not be consummated (perhaps because the young girls given in marriage by fathers probably started crying when they saw the naked old man).

You gave Jesus the power to make dead people live, give back parents to orphans and husbands to widows. The only power you gave Mo was to make live people dead, take away parents from children and husbands from wives which any common criminal can do.

You gave Sulaiman power to control Jinns who used to bring him treasures from the bottom of the sea. Mo had to rely on himself and his cronies to acquire wealth by looting and pillaging.

You saved Ibrahim's son Ismail when he was trying to behead him after a bad dream by replacing his son with a ram. You did no such saving when Mo's sons were dying in infancy.

When Younus prayed from inside the stomach of a large fish you listened and saved his life. When Mo prayed from the lap of Ayesha you did not listen, and let him die.

You gave long lives to children of Dawood and Yaqoob. Mo had to bury six of his seven children who died young . The 7th (Fatima) died 2 months after his death before reaching 20.

You yourself came down to earth to meet Moses. Mo was escorted by Jibraeel on the back of a winged horse and travel billions of miles to see you ( I bet he had a very sore behind after the trip). Could you not come down yourself for your best man.

You gave real miracles to all prophets. Ibrahim could convert burning fire into a garden. Moses could convert his staff into a snake, walk through an ocean, give life to a dead cow. Jesus could cure the sick, give eyes to the blind, give life to the dead, make a clay bird fly, talk right after birth. Noah could build an arc to carry millions of animals. Sulaiman could communicate with jinns and animals. All of them had something to show except Mo. When Mo asked for a miracle you gave a run around and said Quran is your miracle. Some miracle, a hodgepodge of silly fables and a collection of misinformation. A book which says Sun sets in muddy spring, stars are missiles to attack jinns, Moon is a lamp, Sun goes around the Earth, mountains are pegs and sky is in seven solid layers. Even kids are laughing at his miracle.

You gave Sulaiman mastery of all the tongues of animal kingdom. Mo could not even read or write his own mother tongue.

You gave many prophets the ability to cure (Ayub could cure himself by prayer). When sick people came to them they gave them health. When sick people came to Mo , he gave them camel urine (no wonder some of them went berserk after drinking fresh camel urine and committed murders). He could not cure even his own sons whom he desired and loved dearly, all three died in infancy.

You sent ababil birds to defeat an army on elephants to protect your own house Kaaba. No ababils showed up when Mo's house in Madina was attacked three times. He almost got killed once.

Sulaiman was helped by superhuman invisible help in his wars. No such help for Mo. Yes he won many wars but It was the lure of booty, captured women and the 72 perpetually virgin houris in heaven for martyrs which made his soldiers fight and win, not your ababil birds or the thousands of angels which were promised but never showed up.

You were sending Jibraeel for every little information, even to show how to wipe asses, why didn't you send him to warn Mo against eating the poisoned meat which pained him so much and eventually took his life?

In view of the above facts, can you still say you were fair to Mo.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Remaining Steadfast After Ramadhan

Remaining Steadfast After Ramadhan
by Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

Ahadeeth us-Siyaam: Ahkaam wa Adab

Sufyaan ibn `Abdillaah radhiallahu `anhu said: "O Messenger of Allah, tell me something about Islaam, which I cannot ask anyone else besides you." He said: "Say: 'I believe in Allah' and then be steadfast (upon that)." [Saheeh Muslim (38)]

The hadeeth is proof that the servant is obligated, after having eemaan in Allah, to persevere and be steadfast upon obeying Him by performing the obligatory acts and avoiding the prohibited ones. This is achieved by following the Straight Path, which is the firm Religion without drifting away from it, to the right or to the left.

If the Muslim lives through Ramadhaan and spent his days in fasting and his nights in prayer and he accustomed himself to doing acts of good, then he must continue to remain upon this obedience to Allah at all times. This is the true state of the slave, for indeed, the Lord of the months is One and He is ever watchful and witnessing over his servants at all times.

Indeed, steadfastness after Ramadhaan and the rectification of one's statements and actions are the greatest signs that one has gained benefit from the month of Ramadhaan and striven in obedience. They are tokens of reception and signs of success.

Furthermore, the deeds of a servant do not come to an end with the end of a month and the beginning of another, rather they continue and extend until he reaches death. Allah says:

"And worship your Lord until the certainty (death) comes to you." [al-Hijr: 99]

If the fasting of Ramadhaan comes to an end, then indeed the voluntary fasting is still prescribed throughout the entire year. If standing in prayer at night during Ramadhan comes to an end, then indeed, the entire year is a time for performing the night prayer. And if the Zakaat-ul-Fitr comes to an end, then there is still the Zakaah that is obligatory as well as the voluntary charity that lasts the whole year. This goes the same for reciting the Qur'aan and pondering over its meaning as well as every other righteous deed that is sought, for they can be done at all times. From the many bounties that Allah has bestowed upon his servants is that He has placed for them many different types of righteous acts and provided many means for doing good deeds. Therefore, the ardor and zeal of the Muslim must be constant and he must continue to remain in the service of his Lord.

It is unfortunate to find that some people perform worship by doing different types of righteous deeds during Ramadhaan. They guard strictly upon their five daily prayers in the masjid, they recite the Qur'aan a lot and they give in charity from their wealth. But when Ramadhaan comes to an end, they grow lazy in their worship Rather, sometimes they even abandon the obligations, both generally, such as praying in congregation, and specifically, such as praying the fajr prayer.

And they commit forbidden acts such as sleeping over the time of prayers, indulging in places of foolishness and entertainment, and mingling in parks, especially on the day of `Eed. Obtaining help from these evils is only through the grace of Allah. Thus, they demolish what they have constructed and destroy what they have established. This is an indication of deprivation and a sign of perdition. We ask Allah for His safeguarding and protection.

Indeed, this type of people take the example of turning in repentance and ceasing from committing evil deeds as something specific and restricted to the month of Ramadhaan. And they stop doing these (good) acts when the month stops. Thus, it is as if they have abandoned sinning for the sake of Ramadhaan, and not out of fear of Allah. How terrible is the state of these people, who do not know Allah, except in Ramadhaan!

Truly, the success that Allah grants His servant lies in the fasting of Ramadhaan. His assisting him to do that is a great favor, thus the calls for the servant to be grateful to his Lord. This understanding can be found in the statement of Allah after completing the favor of the month of fasting:

"(He wants that you) must complete the same number of days,
and that you must magnify Allah (by saying Allahu Akbar) for having guided you,
so that you may be grateful to Him." [2:185]

The one who is grateful for having fasted, will remain upon that condition and continue to perform righteous deeds.

Verily, the true way of the Muslim is that of one who praises and thanks his Lord for giving him the ability to fast and make qiyaam. His condition after Ramadhaan is better than it was before Ramadhaan. He is more receptive to obey, desiring to do good deeds and quick to enforce the obligatory acts. This is because he has gained benefit form this prominent institute of learning. It is that of one who fears for having his fast not accepted, for indeed Allah only accepts from those who fear Him.

The righteous predecessors would struggle to complete and perfect their deeds, hoping afterwards, that it would be accepted and fearing that it would be rejected. From the reports of `Alee, "Be more concerned with having your deeds accepted than the deed itself. Did you not hear Allah say: 'Verily Allah, only accepts those from those who fear Him. (i.e. possess taqwaa).' [5:27] "[Lataa'if ul Ma`aarif, p. 246]

`Aa'ishah said: "I asked the Messenger of Allah concerning the ayah: 'And the one who are given what they are given and their hearts tremble with fear.' Are they the ones who drink alcohol and steal?" He said: "No, O daughter of as-Siddeeq. Rather, they are the ones who fast and pray and give in charity yet fear that it won't be accepted from them. They are the ones who rush to do good deeds and they are the first to do them." [Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhee 3/79-80]

So be warned and again be warned of turning backward after having attained guidance of going astray after persevering. And ask Allah to provide you with duration in doing righteous deeds and continuity in performing good acts. And ask Allah that He grant you a good end, so that He may accept our Ramadhaan from us.

Oh how swiftly, it's mid Ramadan now I sit here, wondering and thinking how,

Oh how swiftly, it's mid Ramadan now I sit here, wondering and thinking how,

Have I spent my first days of Ramadan fruitfully?
Or have I wasted the time unknowingly?"
-excerpt of the poem "Not done enough this Ramadan" by Udiana Jamalludin
Enough said. I received Sr. Udiana's poem via e-mail just in time
to ponder this question.
Ramadan, as usual, has flown by. Despite planning beforehand, many
of us may have gotten caught up in a normal routine after
accustoming ourselves to the change in schedule the blessed month brings.
This may have affected our initial plans to increase our worship,
contemplation and to seek Allah's Forgiveness and Mercy with greater fervor.
Perhaps. But the last ten days and nights of Ramadan are still
ahead for us to benefit from. Ask yourself these questions and see
what you can do to make the most of what's left of Ramadan this year, Insha Allah.
1. Have I kept pace with the amount of Quran I wanted to read, or have I fallen behind?
2. If so, how much do I have to read on a daily basis the rest of Ramadan to catch up?
3. Have I tried to attend Tarawih regularly, or did I use weak excuses to get out of it?
4. Did I ever pray the night prayer?
5. Did I try praying my five daily prayers with more sincerity, concentration, and focus than usual?
6. Did I invite anyone over for Iftar?
7. Did I help any needy person, even a panhandler or beggar, when I was fasting?
8. Did I regularly seek Allah's Forgiveness and Mercy with sincerity, fear and hope?
9. Did I encourage my family to fast or participate in regular opportunities for more rewards that come with Ramadan (i.e. good deeds in general, but also Tarawih, more reading of the Quran, etc.).
10. Did I memorize any more Quran than what I knew before Ramadan started?
11. Did I try to be more patient in Ramadan than I normally am?
12. Did I try to control my anger, especially while fasting?
13. Did I try harder to avoid backbiting and slander?
14. Did I constantly check my intentions, to make sure that my good deeds were for the sake of Allah alone, not to impress others, gain their favor, or to show off?
15. Was there even an atom of pride in my heart?
16. Was I quieter and more contemplative?
17. Did I cry in my prayers?
18. Did I read more Islamic literature apart from the Quran?
19. Did I make sincere repentance to Allah, really feeling sorry for my sins, or did I just verbally say "Astaghfirullah" with no real remorse for my bad deeds?
20. Did I forgive those who hurt me?
21. Did I avoid hurting anyone with my attitude, words, intentions or actions?
22. Did I give any more Sadaqah than I normally give?
23. Did I share the message of Ramadan and Islam with a non-Muslim?
24. Did I share the message of Ramadan and Islam with a non-practicing Muslim family member or friend?
25. Did I feel annoyed at being hungry while fasting or did I rejoice? "Ramadhan comes, for a short month it's here Will I ever meet the Ramadhan next year?
Allah Oh Allah, help me guide my heart through
For only You know, if I've devoted enough to You."
-excerpt of the poem "Not done enough this Ramadan" by Udiana Jamalludin

What After Ramadhan?

What After Ramadhan?
by Adapted from "Wa Maadha Ba'da Ramadhaan"

AlHamdulillahi wa kafaa, was-Salatu was-salamu `alaa `ibaadihi-lladheena Stafaa

We leave the blessed month of Ramadan, its beautiful days and its fragrant nights. We leave the month of the Qur'an, taqwa, patience, jihad, mercy, forgiveness and freedom from hellfire.

Have we fulfilled the requirements of taqwa and graduated from the Ramadan school with the diploma of the god-fearing?

Have we fought our souls and desires and defeated them, or have we been overtaken by our customs and blind imitations?

Have we performed our actions in a way that fulfills the conditions for receiving mercy, forgiveness and release from the Fire?

Many questions and numerous thoughts come to the heart of the sincere Muslim, who asks and answers with truthfulness.

What Have We Gained From Ramadan?

Ramadan is a school of iman and a 'stop to recharge one's spiritual batteries' - to acquire one's provision for the rest of the year...

For when will one take a lesson and change for better if not in the month of Ramadan?

The noble month is a true school of transformation in which we change our actions, habits and manners that are in variance with the Law of Allah 'azza wa jall. "Verily, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." [Ar-Ra`d, 11]

If you are from those who benefited from Ramadan, fulfilled the requirements of taqwa, truly fasted the month, prayed in it with truthfulness, and strove against you soul, then praise and thank Allah, and ask Him for steadfastness upon it until you meet your death.

Be not like one who has sewn a shirt and then destroyed it... Have you seen one who sewed a shirt or thawb, so when she looked at it, she liked it. Then she destroyed it pulling a thread by thread for no reason. What would people say about such a person?! Or have you seen one who earns a fortune trading throughout the day, then when the night comes, he throws away all that he earned, dirham by dirham. What would people say about such a person?!

This is the condition of one who returns to sinning and evildoing after Ramadan and leaves obedience and righteous actions. So after he was favored with the blessing of obedience and enjoyment of communicating with Allah he returned to the blaze of sins and evil actions. How evil are the people who know Allah only in Ramadan!

My dear ones,
falling short in one's commitment to Islam after Ramadan is manifested in many ways, including:

1 Men leaving the five prayers in congregation, after they filled mosques for Taraweeh prayers, thus going to the masjid for recommended prayers and leaving obligatory ones.

2 Return to musical entertainment, forbidden films, women displaying their adornment beyond that which ordinarily appears thereof, free mixing etc.

This is not thankfulness for blessings and favors, nor is it the sign of acceptance of one's actions, rather this is opposition to favors and absence of thankfulness.

These are from signs of one's deeds not being accepted and Allah's refuge is sought for one who truly fasts rejoices on the occasion of `eid, praises his Lord for helping him complete the fast, and remains fearful that Allah may not accept his fasting, just as the Salaf would continue asking for acceptance of their actions in Ramadan for six months after it.

From signs that one's deeds are accepted is that he or she has improved in his or her obedience to Allah `azza wa jall. "And remember when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]" [Ibrahim, 7] Increase you in good, faith and righteous actions. So if the servant is truly thankful to his Lord, you will see him guided to more obedience and distanced from sinfulness. Thankfulness is leaving sins, as the early Muslims said.

"And worship your Lord until there comes you to the certainty [i.e. death]." [al-Hijr, 99]

The Muslim must continuously be in the state of obedience of Allah, firm upon His Sharee`ah, steadfast upon His Deen, so that he or she is not of those who worship Allah only during one month or only in one place. Rather, the believer knows that the Lord of Ramadan is also the Lord of other months, and that He is the Lord of all times and places, so he is steadfast upon the Sharee`ah of Allah until he meets Him while He is pleased with him. Allah ta`ala said,

"So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, [you] and those who have turned back with you [to Allah]." [Hud, 112]

And, "So take a straight course to Him and seek His forgiveness." [Fussilat, 6]

And the Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said, "Say 'I believe in Allah', then be steadfast." [Muslim]

-- If the fasting in Ramadan has ended, then there remains voluntary fasting, such as fasting six days in Shawwal, on Mondays and Thursdays, the three days in the middle of the month, the days of `Aashoora and `Arafat, and others.

-- If standing in prayer at night during Ramadan has ended, then there remains voluntary night prayer throughout the year. "They used to sleep but little of the night." [Adh-Dhaariyaat, 17]

-- If the charity in Ramadan and zakat ul-fitr have ended, then there is the obligatory Zakat, and also there are many other open doors to charity, voluntary actions and jihad.

-- Reading of the Qur'an and contemplating it is not only for Ramadan, rather it is for all times.

Righteous actions are for all times and all places, so strive, O my brother and sister, and beware of laziness. And remember that it is not allowed for us to leave the obligatory actions or delay them, such as the five daily prayers on time, in congregation etc.

And do not fall into forbidden actions, such as forbidden sayings, food and drinks, or by looking at or listening to what is forbidden.

Be steadfast and upright upon the Deen of Allah at all times, for you do not know when you'll meet the Angel of Death. Beware of him taking you while you are in a state of sin. "O Allah, Who turns the hearts, keep our hearts
steadfast upon Your Deen."

I ask Allah to accept from us and you our fasting, our prayers and other righteous actions, that our condition after Ramadan be a better one, that the state of our Ummah improves, that we are granted honour and that we truly turn to our Lord. Ameen



- Playing, recreation, and eating on the day of Eid:

These are permissible as log as they stay within the acceptable bounds of Islam. Anas said: When the Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, came to Madinah, they had two days for amusement. The Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, has exchanged these days for two better days:the day of breaking the fast and the day of sacrifice. (Related by An-Nasa'e and Ibn Hibban)

- Taking women and children to the prayer area:

The Prophet sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, used to take his wives and daugthers ot the two Eids. Umm Atiyah said: "We were ordered to go out with the single and menstruating women to the two Eids in order to wtiness the good and the supplications of the Muslims. The menstruating women though would stay away from the prayer area." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

- Going to the prayer area:

The Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, used to go to the prayer area by walking. Jaber narrated: "On the days of Eid, the Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, would go to the prayer area by one route and come back by another route." (Related by al-Bukhari)

- Eating before going to the prayer area:

Since Eid al-Fitr is the day on which Muslims break their Ramadhan fast, it is preferable to eat before going to the Eid prayer. It is a Sunnah of the Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, to eat an odd number of dates before going to pray Salat al-Eid. Anas reported: "The Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, would not go out on the day of Eid al-Fitr without eating an odd number of dates."(Related by al-Bukhari.)

- Preparation for Eid prayer:

It is preferred to make Ghusl (take a bath), wear one's best clothes and, for men, to put perfume before going to Salat al-Eid. Ibn Al-Qayyim said: "The Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, used to wear his best clothes for the Eid prayers and eh had clothes that he reserved for the two Eids and Jumu'ah."

- Making Takbeer:

Takbeer starts from the nght of Eid's eve until the Imam comes ot to start the prayer. Allah says (S2 A185): "You should complete the prescribed period and then you should glorify Allah (i.e., say Takbeer) for having guided you so that yo may be grateful to Him." The form of takbeer is related by `Umar and Ibn Mas`ud: "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La illaha illallah. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar wa lillahil-hamd."

- Congratulating each other:

It has been narrated that when the Prophet's companions met each other on the Eid day, they would say to each other: "May Allah accept from us and from you." (Related by Ahmad.)

Zakat Al Fitr

Zakat al Fitr is an obligatory charity on every Muslim at the end of the month of Ramadan. Ibn `Umar said: "The Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, enjoined the payment of one Sa'a of dates or one Sa'a of barley as Zakat al-Fitr on every Muslim, young and old, male and female, free and slave." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

The purpose of Zakat al-Fitr is to purify the one who has fasted from any type of indecent act or speech he might have committed while fasting. It also helps the poor and the needy. Ibn Abbas said: "The Messanger of Allah, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, enjoined Zakat al-Fitr on the one who fasts to shield him from any indecent act or speech and for the purpose of providing food for the needy." (Related by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah.)

The Amount of Zakat al-Fitr

As the first hadeeth indicated, the amout of Zakat al-Fitr is one Sa'a. Sa'a is a volume measure correspoding approximately to the volume of 5 lb of good wheat. The material of the Zakat can be either dates, barley, wheat, rice, corn or similar items considered as basic foods. Abu Saeed said: "We used to give for Zakat al-Fitr on behalf of every child, aged person, free man or slave during the lifetime of the Messanger of Allah,sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, one Sa'a of food, or one Sa'a of dried yogurt, or one Sa'a of barley, or one Sa'a of dates, or one Sa'a of raisins." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

The Time for Zakat al-Fitr

Zakat al-Fitr has to be paid by the end of Ramadhan. There are two times to pay Zakat al-Fitr. Either one or two days before Eid as 'Umar used to do, or the day of Eid before the Eid prayer. Ibn `Umar reported that the Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, ordered them to pay Zakat al-Fitr before they go out to perform the Eid prayer. If Zakat al-Fitr is paid after the Eid prayer, it will only be considered as regular charity. The Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, said: "If one pays Zakat al-Fitr before the Salat, it is considered an accepted Zakat, if he pays it after the Salat, it is considered an ordinary charity." (Related by Abu Dawud.)

Zakat al-Fitr is to be given to the same eight categories or people as in the other types of Zakat. Some scholars say that the poor and the nedy are the most deserving ones since the Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhe wa sallam, said that it had "...the purpose of providing food for the needy."


Imam Ali Siddiqui

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF EID - Unas (ra) reported that when the Prophet Muhammad (saw) migrated from Makkah to Madinah, the people of Madinah used to have two festivals. On those two days they had carnivals and festivity. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked the Ansaar (the Muslims of Madinah) about it. They replied that before Islam they used to have carnivals on those two joyous days. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) told them: 'Instead of those two days, Allah has appointed two other days which are better, the days of Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al-Adha.' (Hadith)

EID-AL-FITR is celebrated on the first day of Shaw'waal, at the completion of Ramadan. Shaw'waal is the 10th month of the Islamic calendar. The Eid-al-Fitr is a very joyous day; it is a true Thanksgiving Day for the believing men and women. On this day Muslims show their real joy for the health, strength and the opportunities of life, which Allah has given to them to fulfill their obligation of fasting and other good deeds during the blessed month of Ramadan.

EID-AL-ADHA is celebrated on the tenth day of Zdilhijjah, the 12th and the last month of the Islamic calendar. It is also very joyous day; it is a feast of self-sacrifice, commitment and obedience to Allah. It commemorates the great act of obedience to Allah by the Prophet Ibrahim (as) in showing his willingness to sacrifice his son Ismael (as). Allah accepted his sacrifice and replaced Prophet Ismael (as) with a lamb. Although Hajj has no relation with the Eid-al-Adha, but the five days long rituals of Hajj are also done during this month culminating on 9th of Zdilhijjah. Many rituals of Hajj are enactment of the struggle of the family Ibrahim (as) specially his second wife Hajirah (as) and her son Prophet Ismael (as).


1. Wake up early.
2. Offer Salatul Fajr. 3.Prepare for personal cleanliness take care of details of clothing, etc.
4. Take a Ghusl (bath) after Fajr.
5. Brush your teeth.
6. Dress up, putting on best clothes available, whether new or cleaned old ones.
6. Use perfume (men only).
7. Have breakfast on Eid-al-Fitr before leaving for prayer ground. On Eid-al-Adha, eat breakfast after Salaat or after sacrifice if you are doing a sacrifice.
8. Pay Zakaat-al-Fitr before Salaat-al-Eid (on Eid-al-Fitr).
9. Go to prayer ground early.
10. Offer Salaat-al-Eid in congregation in an open place except when whether is not permitting like rain, snow, etc.
11. Use two separate routes to and from the prayer ground.
12. Recite the following Takbir on the way to Salaat and until the beginning of Salaat-al-Eid. On Eid-al-Adha, Takbir starts from Mughrib on the 9th Zdilhijjah and last until the Asr on the 12th Zdilhijjah: Allaho-Akber, Allaho-Akber. La ila-ha ill-lal-lah. Allaho-Akber, Allaho-Akber. Wa-lilahill hamd. (Allah is greater. Allah is greater. There is no god but Allah. Allah is greater. Allah is greater. And all praises are for Allah).

HOW TO OFFER SALAAT-AL-EID: Ibn Abbass (ra) reported: ' I participated in the Salaat-al-Eid-al-Fitr with the Messenger of Allah (saw), Abu Bakr (ra), Umar (ra) and Uthman (ra), and all of them held Salaat-al-Eid before Khutbah, and then the Prophet Muhammad (saw) delivered the Khutbah (sermon)'. Hadith, Muslim

WHO SHOULD GO TO THE PRYER GROUND AND OFFER SALAAT-AL-EID: Umm Atiyah (ra) reported: 'The Messenger of Allah (saw) commanded us to bring out on Eid-al- Fitr and Eid-al-Adha, young women, hijab-observing adult women and the menstruating women. The menstruating women stayed out of actual Salaat but participated in good deeds and Duaa (supplication)'. I (Umm Atiyah) said to the Holy Prophet (saw): 'O! Messenger of Allah, one does not have an outer garment.' He replied: "Let her sister cover her with her garment." Hadith Muslim. On the Eid day, every believing man, woman and child must go to the prayer ground and participate in this joyous occasion.

STRUCTURE OF SALAAT-AL-EID: Salaat-al-Eid is wajib (strongly recommended, just short of obligatory). It consists of two Rakaat (units) with six or thirteen additional Takbirs. It must be offered in congregation. The Salaat is followed by the Khutbah. The Khutbah is part of the worship and listening to it is Sunnah. During the Khutbah, the Imam must remind the community about its responsibilities and obligations towards Allah, fellow Muslims and the fellow human beings. The Imam must encourage the Muslims to do good and ward off evil. The Muslim community must also be directed to the state of the community and the Ummah at large and the feelings of sacrifice and Jihaad should be aroused in the community.

At the conclusion of the Salaat the Muslims should convey greetings to each other, give reasonable gifts to the youngsters and visit each other at their homes. Muslims should also take this opportunity to invite their non-Muslims neighbors, co-workers, classmates and business acquaintances to Eid festivities to expose them to Islam and Muslim culture.

SACRIFICE AND EID-AL-ADHA: Those who have enough wealth to pay Zakaat must offer the sacrifice for Allah. It is the tradition of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and a strongly recommended Sunnah. A lamb, sheep, goat , cow, buffalo, or camel can be offered as the sacrifice. There are seven shares in a cow, buffalo and camel. The sacrifice should be accomplished by slaughtering the animal after Salaat-al-Eid. The sacrifice also called Udhiyah or Qurbani last for three days from 10th Zdilhijjah until the sunset of 12th Zdilhijjah. The meat should be divided into three shares: one for the family the second for relatives and friend and the third share is for the poor and the needy. (Written & copyright by Imam Ali Siddiqui, 1982)

You can find additional information from web sites including Islamicity and books of Hadith including Bukhari, Muslim, Riadus-Salahin, and Mishkat-al- Masabih. (Imam Ali Siddiqui)

How to Seek Laylatul-Qadr

How to Seek Laylatul-Qadr
by Shaykh Muhammad Nasir-ud-Deen al-Albani

Adapted from "The Night Prayers: Qiyam & Tarawih from works by Muhammad Nasir ud-Deen al-Albani
(and other scholars)"
Compiled by Muhammad al-Jibali, ? 1997 QSS

Laylat ul-Qadr is the most blessed night. A person who misses it has indeed missed a great amount of good. If a believing person is zealous to obey his Lord and increase the good deeds in his record, he should strive to encounter this night and to pass it in worship and obedience. If this is facilitated for him, all of his previous sins will be forgiven.

Praying Qiyaam

It is recommended to make a long Qiyaam prayer during the nights on which Laylat ul-Qadr could fall. This is indicated in many hadeeths, such as the following:

Abu Tharr (radhiallahu `anhu) relates:

"We fasted with Allah's Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) in Ramadaan. He did not lead us (in qiyaam) at all until there were seven (nights of Ramadaan) left. Then he stood with us (that night - in prayer) until one third of the night had passed. He did not pray with us on the sixth. On the fifth night, he prayed with us until half of the night had passed. So we said, 'Allah's Messenger! Wouldn't you pray with us the whole night?' He replied:

'Whoever stands in prayer with the imaam until he (the imaam) concludes the prayer, it is recorded for him that he prayed the whole night.'?" [Recorded by Ibn Abi Shaybah, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmithi (who authenticated it), an-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, at-Tahawi (in Sharhu Ma`an il-Athar, Ibn Nasr, al-Faryabi, and al-Bayhaqi. Their isnad is authentic.]

[Point of benefit: Abu Dawud mentioned: "I heard Ahmad being asked, 'Do you like for a man to pray with the people or by himself during Ramadan?' He replied, 'Pray with the people' I also heard him say, 'I would prefer for one to pray (qiyaam) with the imaam and to pray witr with him as well, for the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said: "When a man prays with the imaam until he concludes, it is recorded that he prayed the rest of that night." [Masaa'il]

Abu Hurayrah (radhiallahu `anhu) narrated that the Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:

"Whoever stands (in qiyaam) in Laylat ul-Qadr [and it is facilitated for him] out of faith and expectation (of Allah's reward), will have all of his previous sins forgiven." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim; the addition "and it is facilitated for him" is recorded by Ahmad from the report of `Ubaadah Bin as-Samit; it means that he is permitted to be among the sincere worshippers during that blessed night.]

Making Supplications

It is also recommended to make extensive supplication on this night. `A'ishah (radhiallahu `anha) reported that she asked Allah's Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam), "O Messenger of Allah! If I knew which night is Laylat ul-Qadr, what should I say during it?" And he instructed her to say:

"Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuh.ibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee - O Allah! You are forgiving, and you love forgiveness. So forgive me." [Recorded by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmithi. Verified to be authentic by Al-Albani]

Abandoning Worldly Pleasures for the Sake of Worship

It is further recommended to spend more time in worship during the nights on which Laylat ul-Qadr is likely to be. This calls for abandoning many worldly pleasures in order to secure the time and thoughts solely for worshipping Allah. `A'ishah (radhiallahu `anha) reported:

"When the (last) ten started, the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) would tighten his izaar (i.e. he stayed away from his wives in order to have more time for worship), spend the whole night awake (in prayer), and wake up his family." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

And she said:

"Allah's Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) used to exert more (in worship) on the last ten than on other nights." [Muslim]

It was narrated that in the days that Musa

It was narrated that in the days that Musa (Alahi salaam) wandered with Bani Israel in the desert an intense drought befell them. Together, they raised their hands towards the heavens praying for the blessed rain to come. Then, to the astonishment of Musa (Alahi salaam) and all those watching, the few scattered clouds that were in the sky vanished, the heat poured down, and the drought intensified.

It was revealed to Musa that there was a sinner amongst the tribe of Bani Israel whom had disobeyed Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) for more than forty years of his life. 'Let him separate himself from the congregation,' Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) told Musa (Alahi salaam). 'Only then shall I shower you all with rain.'

Musa (Alahi salaam) then called out to the throngs of humanity, 'There is a person amongst us who has disobeyed Allah for forty years. Let him separate himself from the congregation and only then shall we be rescued from the drought.' That man, waited, looking left and right, hoping that someone else would step forward, but no one did. Sweat poured forth from his brow and he knew that he was the one.

The man knew that if he stayed amongst the congregation all would die of thirst and that if he stepped forward he would be humiliated for all eternity.

He raised his hands with a sincerity he had never known before, with a humility he had never tasted, and as tears poured down on both cheeks he said: 'O Allah, have mercy on me! O Allah, hide my sins! O Allah, forgive me!'

As Musa (Alahi salaam) and the people of Bani Israel awaited for the sinner to step forward, the clouds hugged the sky and the rain poured. Musa (Alahi salaam) asked Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala), 'O Allah, you blessed us with rain even though the sinner did not come forward.' And Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) replied, 'O Musa, it is for the repentance of that very person that I blessed all of Bani Israel with water.'

Musa (Alahi salaam), wanting to know who this blessed man was, asked, 'Show him to me O Allah!' Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) replied, 'O Musa, I hid his sins for forty years, do you think that after his repentance I shall expose him?'

Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) revealed the Qur'an in the most blessed month; the month of Ramadan, the month in which the Qur'an was sent down.

On the most blessed night, the Grand night: Laylatul Qadr; 'Verily, we revealed the Qur'an on the night of Qadr.'

Ibn Jareer narrates, on the authority of Mujaahid that there was a man from Bani Israel who used to spend the night in prayer. Then in the morning he would fight the enemy in the Way of Allah during the day, until the evening and he did this for a thousand months.

And so Allah revealed the Surah: 'Verily, We sent it down in the night of Al-Qadr? until the verse 'The night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months' That is, standing in prayer on that night is better than the actions of that man.

Sufyaan ath-Thawree reports, on the authority of Mujaahid (also), that the night of Al-Qadr being better than a thousand months means that the good deeds performed on it, fasting on it, and standing in prayer on it are better than a thousand months? good deeds, prayers and fasting. (Narrated by Ibn Jareer)

It is reported from Abu Hurairah that he said: 'When the month of Ramadan came, the Messenger of Allah said: 'The month of Ramadan has come, a blessed month in which Allah has made it obligatory for you to fast; in it the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained. In it is a night better than a thousand months, whoever loses the benefit of it has lost something irreplaceable.?' (Narrated by Imam Ahmad and An-Nasaa'i).

It is reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah, that Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: 'Whoever stood in prayer on the night of Al-Qadr, in faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, he will have all of his previous sins forgiven.' (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

This one night surpasses the value of 30,000 nights. The sincere believer who worries day and night about his sins and phases of neglect in his life patiently awaits the onset of Ramadan. During it he hopes to be forgiven by Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) for past sins, knowing that the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) promised that all who bear down during the last ten days shall have all their sins forgiven. To achieve this, the believer remembers the Prophet's (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) advice in different sayings wherein he used words like 'seek', 'pursue', 'search' and 'look hard' for Laylatul Qadr.

Laylatul Qadr is the most blessed night. A person who misses it has indeed missed a great amount of good. The Mu'min should search for it in the last ten nights of Ramadan, passing the nights in worship and obedience.

For those who catch the opportunity, their gift is that of past sins wiped away.

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) illustrated for us some of the things we should be doing on this Grand Night. From his blessed Sunnah we find the following:

Praying Qiyaam (night prayer):

It is recommended to make a long qiyaam prayer during the nights on which Laylatul Qadr could fall. This is indicated in many ahadeeth, such as 'Whoever stands (in qiyaam) in Laylatul Qadr [and it is facilitated for him] out of faith and expectation (of Allah's reward), will have all of his previous sins forgiven.' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim; the addition 'and it is facilitated for him' is recorded by Ahmad from the report of 'Ubaadah Bin as-Samit; it means that he is permitted to be among the sincere worshippers during that blessed night.]

Making Supplications:

It is also recommended to make extensive supplication on this night. 'A'ishah reported that she asked Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) 'O Messenger of Allah! If I knew which night is Laylatul Qadr, what should I say during it?' And he instructed her to say:

'Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee - O Allah! You are forgiving, and you love forgiveness. So forgive me.' [An authentic Hadith recorded by Ahmad, Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhi.]

Abandoning Worldly Pleasures for the Sake of Worship: It is further recommended to spend more time in worship during the nights on which Laylatul Qadr is likely to fall. This calls for abandoning many worldly pleasures in order to secure the time and thoughts solely for worshipping Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala).

'A'ishah reported: 'When the (last) ten started, the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would tighten his izaar (i.e. he stayed away from his wives in order to have more time for worship), spend the whole night awake (in prayer) and wake up his family.' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

And she said: 'Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) used to exert more (in worship) on the last ten than on other nights.' [Muslim]

Have we estimated Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) correctly?

The opportunity of Laylatul Qadr is coming in the next few days. Life is about people that take advantage of their opportunities to win the love of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala), and this is indeed one of those chances.

Abu Dah Daah was one of those who found an opportunity and won that which is greater than the heavens and the earth. An adult companion of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) cultivated his garden next to the property of an orphan. The orphan claimed that a specific palm tree was on his property and thus belonged to him. The companion rejected the claim and off to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) went the orphan boy to complain. With his justness, the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) measured the two gardens and found that the palm tree did indeed belong to the companion. The orphan erupted crying. Seeing this, the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) offered the companion, 'would you give him the palm tree and to you is a palm tree in Jannah?' However, the companion in his disbelief that an orphan would complain to the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) missed the opportunity and went away angry.

But someone else saw the opportunity, Abu Dah Daah - radi Allahu 'anhu. He went to the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and asked, 'Ya Rasul Allah, if I buy the tree from him and give it to the orphan shall I have that tree in Jannah?' The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) replied, 'Yes.'

Abu Dah Daah chased after the companion and asked, 'Would you sell that tree to me for my entire garden?' The companion answered, 'Take it for there is no good in a tree that I was complained to the Prophet about.'

Immediately, Abu Dah Daah went home and found his wife and children playing in the garden. 'Leave the garden!' shouted Abu Dah Daah, 'we've sold it to Allah! We've sold it to Allah!' Some of his children had dates in their hand and he snached the dates from them and threw them back into the garden. 'We've sold it to Allah!'

When Abu Dah Daah was later martyred in the battle of Uhud, Rasul Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) stood over his slain body and remarked, 'How many shady palm trees does Abu Dah Daah now have in paradise?'

What did Abu Dah Daah lose? Dates? Bushes? Dirt? What did he gain? He gained a Jannah whose expanse is the heavens and the earth.

Abu Dah Daah did not miss his opportunity, and I pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) that we do not miss our opportunity of standing to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) on Laylatul Qadr.

Dear brothers and sisters, we do not obey, worship and revere Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) in a way befitting of His Majesty.

Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) revealed: 'No just estimate have they made of Allah, such as is due to Him. On the Day of Resurrection the whole of the earth will be but His handful, and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand: Glory to Him! High is He above the partners they attribute to Him' (Surat al-An'aam, Ayat 91).

Everything that we have belongs to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala). When someone dies we say, Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raaji'oon, Indeed to Allah we belong and indeed to Him we shall return. This is not a supplication just for when a soul is lost. It is a supplication for every calamity that befalls a believer, even if his sandal were to tear. Why? Because everything belongs to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) and everything shall come back to him. Sit and try to count the blessings Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) has bestowed upon you. Have you ever tried to count stars?

'And He giveth you of all that ye ask for. But if ye count the favors of Allah, never will ye be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude' (Surat Ibrahim, Ayat 34).

We have not understood the weight of this Qur'an that we rest on our high shelves, this Noble book that was sent to give life to the dead. For even if our hearts were as solid as rock they would have crumbled to the ground in fear and hope of Allah's (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) punishment and Mercy. Could it be that our hearts are harder than that mountain?

'Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, verily, thou wouldst have seen it humble itself and split asunder in fear of Allah (Surat al-Hashr, Ayat 21).

Dear brothers and sisters, as you fill the Masajid for Qiyamul Layl in the last ten nights of Ramadan, remember what Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) wants you to know:

'Know ye that Allah is strict in punishment and that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.'

There shall be a night, some night in your life that you shall awaken in Jannah or Hell fire. Anas ibn Malik, on his deathbed, prayed to Allah, (Subhanahu wa ta'ala), 'O Allah, protect from a night whose morning brings a journey to hell fire.' Think about that morning.

Peace shall descend on Laylatul Qadr until the dawn. It may be that you shall leave the Masjid after Fajr one day soon forgiven by Allah, Glorious and Most High.